Tahfeez Tours and Travel organizes safaris in East Africa and Trips of different nature in Africa and outside Africa. So read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they set out our respective obligations and form the basis of your contract with us. In these terms and conditions, “you” means all persons named on the booking (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date) and “we” and “us” means TAHFEEZ TOURS AND TRAVEL LTD. However, these terms are changed and corrected from time to time due to changing circumstances; the terms at the time of booking are the terms that are valid. Conditions in Africa are not the same as those in developed countries and standards of service, medical facilities, safety and security may often be lower than those in your home countries. Please note that it is the laws and regulations of the country in which services are provided which apply to your holiday arrangements and not those of your home country.

  1. SCOPE

The terms and conditions contained in this document shall apply to the tour booking concluded between the Company and the undersigned client in respect of the Tour, Trip or Holiday at the time of confirmation of the booking.


1). All communications by the Company in relation to your trip will be sent to you from our official email addresses of [email protected] or from our office lines +256742796708.

On receipt of your inquiry/request to organize for you a tour expedition / trip, we will support our confirmation of receipt of your inquiry with a WhatsApp message from our telephone number +256742796708.

2). All documents including your invoices, vouchers and receipts shall be made on the company’s document papers and at times bear the company seal.

3). The company shall not assume liability for any losses you may incur as a result of failure to transact with us in compliance with the above communication procedure.


All Online Materials on the Tahfeez Tours and Travel ltd site, text, software, names, logos, trademarks, service marks, trade names, images, photos, illustrations, audio clips and video clips are copyrighted intellectual property. All usage rights are owned and controlled by Tahfeez Tours and Travel ltd. You, the visitor, may download Online Materials for personal use only provided you

1retain all copyright, trademark, and propriety notices,

  1. you make no modifications to the materials,

  2. you do not use the materials in a manner that suggests an association with any of our products, services, events or brands, and

  3. You do not download quantities of materials to a database, server, or personal computer for reuse for commercial purposes. You may not, however, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute Online Materials in any way or for any other purpose unless you get our written permission first. Neither may you add, delete, distort or misrepresent any content on the Tahfeez Tours and Travel site. Any attempts to modify any Online Material, or to defeat or circumvent our security features are prohibited.


1) All payments must be made directly to the company; either to the company’s account through Bank Transfer, Airtel money pay, online payment or by cash.

2) The company will consider you booked for the trip upon payment of at least a deposit of 50% of the total trip cost. The balance of 50% should be paid within fortnight to the date of start of your trip. Upon receipt of the initial deposit of the trip sum, we will send to you a confirmation receipt indicating the booking details.

3) Any trip booked within a period of less than fourteen (14) days requires 100% payment and will only be confirmed upon receipt of the entire sum of the tour price, save if we communicate an alternative position via email.

4) The Company reserves the right to decline a booking or cancel the trip without giving any reason and shall in that event return any money received in accordance with our terms on refunds mentioned herein.

5) The company reserves the right to increase the prices quoted should circumstances warrant that an increment is desirable for successful execution of the trip.


The company reserves the right to cancel your trip or holiday, trip or safari at any time and you will be notified through the company communication lines at the earliest opportunity

  1. Cancellations by the client

Should any member of the travel team be forced to cancel, you should communicate to us in writing. A cancellation is not effective until we receive a copy of your written notice. Below are the charges and corresponding refunds:

  • All charges shall be computed after deducting any money expended to authorities and service providers to cater for any bookings. This may include but not limited to permits for chimps and entry into parks, deposits to carriers and transporters, legal fees and hotel bookings.

– No refunds will be made for any unused services, late arrival or no-show of any of the members of the tour.

– No refunds maybe payable for minor changes to your trip. Minor changes include minimal changes to departure and arrival times, changes to the type of car or aircraft used, restaurant and accommodation changes to a comparable or superior standards

2. Cancellations by the company

Rarely, the company may cancel confirmed bookings. The company will always endeavor to avoid cancelling; however, the company reserves the right to do so. We shall not cancel your confirmed trip/tour unless we are forced to do so as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control.

– Cancellations occasioned by Force Majeure or any Acts of God, war, threat of war, riots, civil strikes, industrial disputes, terrorist activity, natural or man-made disasters, fire and adverse whether conditions certainly amount to frustration of the trip. In such event, we shall offer you an alternative trip of a similar standard to that originally booked if available. If the chosen alternative is less expensive than your original trip, we shall refund the difference but if it is more expensive, we shall ask you to top up the balance.

– Where you opt for a refund, we shall compute any expenditures incurred and any deposits made to service providers, any money paid to Authorities including charges, fees, levies and permits, and will thereafter make a refund.

– We regret we cannot pay any compensation for expenses, costs or losses incurred as a result of any cancellation. We advise that you obtain travel insurance to offer you cover against such eventualities.

Your obligations

  • It’s your duty to equip yourself with all documentation and relevant material to enable you travel to and within the country of your trip choice. It is advisable that you obtain further counsel from your travel advisors/agencies for purposes of acquainting yourself with the necessary information that will guide you as you embark on your trip. The company shall not be bound for any denials of entry or stay in the country of your trip choice.

  • Any special dietary or medical conditions should be communicated to us at the booking of your trip.

  • Your safety while on trip is paramount. We advise that you take caution and follow instructions from the guides and rangers to avoid harm or injury to yourself, your travel mates and your property.

  • You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that will not attract any civil or criminal sanctions to yourself, travel mates or the company while on your trip. The company reserves the right to terminate your trip should your behavior cause inconvenience to other members on travel or even to the ecosystem.


Whilst the company will make every effort to ensure that you have a successful travel expedition and that all arrangements and services connected to the trip are carried out in the most efficient and effective way possible, the company does not assume liability arising from the following:

  • Failure to obtain game viewing as desired. The company will ensure that you are taken to the known spots for obtaining the desired viewing but have no direct control over wild animals and therefore assumes no liability for any failure to view animals as may be desired.

  • Errors made by Third parties. Whilst every supplier is chosen with utmost care, the company does not assume liability for errors or omissions of such suppliers. These independent contractors include transporters who may be sourced to transport you to your tour destinations, hotels for your accommodations, boat owners and any other supplier of services on your tour.

  • Every effort is made to ensure that vehicles are provided in a roadworthy condition but no liability can be accepted for breakdown, or any damage or delay.

  • The company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any nature whatsoever whether to person or property.


Children between the ages of 10 – 14 are welcome to travel with Tahfeez Tours and Travel Ltd on a request basis and must be accompanied by an adult.

Children between the ages of 16 – 18 are welcome to travel with Tahfeez Tours and Travel Ltd but will require a letter of consent signed by a parent or guardian.


The client must at all times comply with the laws, customs and foreign exchange regulations of all countries visited during the tour.

In addition, the client acknowledges that any disruptive, dangerous or potentially dangerous behavior during the tour shall not be tolerated and that the Company, its employees, representatives, agents and/or contractors being so authorized, reserve the right to exclude the client from the tour at any point therein in such circumstances.

The Company shall not be liable for any costs and/or expenses for the client resulting from exclusion as aforesaid, and the client shall not be entitled to a refund or rebate of the tour price or any additional compensation in such instances.


The Company reserves the right to use any photographs and video taken during the tour for use in marketing or any other advertising material, and the client hereby consents to such use.

The client further agrees that the Company shall retain copyright over any such photographs and videos taken during the tour and/or used in its brochures and, to the extent necessary, the client hereby assigns copyright in such photographs and or videos to the Company.


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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

